
Goal Setting for Time Management

4th August 2020

Within any business goal setting and time management go hand in hand. Businesses should be formulating a plan and setting themselves goal regularly. Outlining SMART goals is one proven way to help achieve success. This post will explain what exactly a SMART goal looks like and how using this goal-setting method you can manage your time effectively and achieve success more efficiently.

A SMART goal should meet 5 criteria it should be: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely. Whether these goals are personal, departmental or organisational the framework remains the same. Let us look at each element of the framework.

Specific- Be clear and concise about what you want to achieve.

Measurable– There must be a metric to prove success. Without some form of measuring success, proven the goal has been achieved is difficult.

Achievable– When setting goals, you must consider if they are attainable. Consider your resources and capabilities and if you have enough of both to achieve your goals. Goals should be difficult enough to stretch you but not so difficult that they will fail.

Realistic– A realistic goal is achievable within a given timeframe and using the resources available to you. If you believe it can be accomplished a goal is realistic.

Timely– A SMART goal should have a time limit; you should clearly outline a start and end date. Without time constraints goals will lack a sense of urgency and may not be achieved.

Time Management comes into play in regards to the final two elements of the SMART framework, is the timeframe outlined and realistic. But how can goal setting help in Time Management?

Provide Direction- When goals are clearly outlined, everyone in an organisation knows what they are working towards. Helping to prioritise important tasks.

Meet Deadlines- Timely goals provide deadlines for people to work towards helping to focus employees on the vital task at key times.

Manage Distractions- Employees face many distractions at work. When goals are clearly outlined employees can ask themselves: “Is the task, I’m doing helping me achieve my goals” and allows them to refocus if they are not.

Improve Overall Business- A business that is focused on common goals is likely to be more effective in the industry. Time will not be wasted on tasks that do not help achieve goals and employees will be focused on what needs to be done. By managing all working hours businesses can improve productivity.

Having a time tracking software in your business along with effective goal setting can help your company become more efficient and increase profitability by allowing your employees to focus on important tasks, while using good time management and allows you to see exactly what is being done to achieve your businesses goals and when. If you would like to see for yourself the benefits of 1Time you can avail of our 30day free trial by following the link

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