
News & Opinions from 1time

Why Employees Cannot Be Deleted Once employees have logged time in your system, their records become an integral part of your historical …

Managing your projects and clients in 1Time tracking software is essential for maintaining an organised workflow. However, there are specific protocols you …

The Myth of Multitasking: Efficiency or Trap? Multitasking is often seen as a way to get more done in less time, but …

Understanding The Importance of Time Tracking Time tracking is a crucial aspect of freelancing as it allows you to monitor and manage …

Unlock the secrets to maximising your productivity with the power of time blocking. Understanding Time Blocking and Its Benefits Time blocking is …

The Imperative of Time Tracking in Modern Project Management In the fast-paced world of modern project management, the ability to accurately track …

Boosting Productivity with Time Analysis

Identifying Time Wasters in Your Daily Routine Every professional’s day is riddled with hidden time-sinks, from excessive email checking to unnecessary meetings. …

Applying the Project Management Triangle

Welcome to our exploration of the Project Management Triangle, often referred to as the Iron Triangle of Project Management. In the world …

The Importance of Leadership Styles in Management Leadership styles play a crucial role in the success of any organisation. The way managers …

Email primarily consists of other people’s priorities and can typically be deferred for some time. There should be nothing in your inbox …

Work and life have become more intertwined than ever before, as employees now work from kitchen tables and living room couches, blurring …

Developing time management skills is a discipline that harmonizes a reduction in stress and an increase in productivity. However, we still spend …

Managing Time with the Covey Matrix

A survey completed by Inc.com found that of the surveyed business owners and their key decision makers, they spent 30% of their …

Based on a comprehensive survey conducted across the UK, it has been revealed that approximately 31% of business projects experience failure, resulting …

How to Manage Time-Off Requests this Summer

During this blog, we will offer our top tips on how to manage time-off requests and how a time management tool can …

One of the questions 1Time support get asked most frequently, is the main differences between Internal Hourly Rate, Charge Out Hourly Rate, …

Time management is a crucial skill that is essential for success in both personal and professional life. In today’s fast-paced world, it …

For 2-3 years now, with the advent of remote working caused by the COVID pandemic, employers and employees have realised that mental …

Trends That Will Shape Worklife in 2023

After a tumultuous year in 2022, businesses and organisations are grappling with new challenges and uncertainties. Due to the pandemic, there has …

Weekly Timesheets

The Weekly Timesheets Function Are you looking for The Weekly Timesheets Function within 1Time Tracking Software? This feature comes with many benefits, …

Setting Reminders For Employees

How to Set Reminders for Employees Are you looking to set reminders for your employees to receive an automatic notification email when …

8 Ways You’re Wasting Your Time

We’re all trying to get the most out of our day, however, there’s an ever-increasing list of things to get done and …

Downloading reports in Excel

Looking to download your reports with the 1Time Tracking Software? This feature comes with many benefits, including the ability to view reports, …

Top Project Management Trends for 2022

  Even though we have seen many challenges over the last few years, the changes over the last two years have seen …

Time Management Strategies 

Time is your greatest asset so it is important to plan it well! There is no doubt that managing a remote hybrid …

Time is an asset, and more hours of the day cannot be created. Management of time allows tasks for those hours that …

Working From Home – Remote Project Management

Office environments are designed to cut out distractions but as the number of us forced into working from home increases, how do …

So now we know that multitasking is probably a bad idea and can be detrimental to your productivity, but how do we …

4 Top Time Management Tips for Architects

Today’s blog is dedicated to architecture professionals, a wonderfully creative profession often associated with long days and juggling multiple projects at once. …

Project management according to the Project Management Institute is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet …

What is Utilization?

What is Utilization? Utilization is a metric used by professional service companies to represent the productivity achieved by an employee (typically) or …

Working as a freelancer can be hard work, while others can “clock watch” and wait for the end of the day, every …

5 Tips For Freelancers To Boost Productivity

With the rise in remote work over the last year the appeal of freelancers has grown not only for companies but for …

Productivity In The Hybrid Workplace

As workplaces slowly start to reopen and businesses start to plan for the safety of their staff, more and more companies are …

The Advantages of a Hybrid Working Model

  We’re halfway through 2021 and it seems that we’re edging closer to a return to office life. While some companies may …

Time tracking software can provide a huge number of benefits to companies, project managers, employees, and clients. If you’re thinking about investing …

Today’s blog is going out to all you finance, HR, and payroll managers that keep every business afloat, the ones whose jobs …

How To Implement Time Tracking

Implementing time tracking within your business, like any new practice, requires some careful planning. Some may consider time tracking just another chore …

Feature Updates on 1Time

Here at 1time we are always looking for ways to improve our software, we are pleased to announce that we have rolled …

The Project Management Triangle

“Fast, Cheap, and Good…pick two. If it’s fast and cheap it won’t be good. If it’s cheap and good, it won’t be …

Time Tracking: Benefits for your Staff

Effective time tracking is very much reliant on buy-in from your workforce. So how do you convince your staff that time tracking …


Working from home has become normality for a lot of people however with many of us finding ourselves coming to terms with …

Manage Your Time

Here at 1time, we take great pride in helping businesses better manage their time. Over the years we have picked up some …

Unlock Your Business Value in 2021

  If I asked you to name the most important asset in business what would you say? Many people would assume it …

Time Tracking – Benefits for your client

While we mainly associate time tracking as an internal activity, it can be a positive for clients. A company that tracks their …

Advantages of Time Tracking Software

More Accurate Time & Attendance Tracking Manually entering payroll data or billable hours details can result in errors. Over a sustained period, …

Why You Should Set & Stick To Deadlines

To answer the question in one word- Productivity. We all want to be more productive at work, there are many ways to …

How Do I Keep My Team Focused?

  Getting a project completed in an effective manner is a team effort. As project manager how do we keep our team …

Working From Home – Breaks

Take a break Now this one might seem obvious, but any break is better than having no break. One study found that …

Working From Home Tips

In the midst of the global pandemic, we have come to find “new normals” in many aspects of life, one major change the …

What is Time Tracking Software? Part 2/2

  Last week we looked at what exactly time tracking is, and who can benefit from the application of time tracking software. …

What Is Time Tracking Software?

  People have been keeping track of time for millennia great civilisations like Egyptians, Greeks and Romans all had their own methods …