
Time Management Made Easy

8th November 2018

Time Management must play an essential role for any company to ensure that work is completed successfully. In the past, businesses did not have the luxury of software to keep track of time for you, but with the rapid evolution of technology in the past decade, tedious tasks that would require manual inputting have been automated.

The importance of Time Management

Time Management is critical in any industry, and without it, work isn’t completed, and deadlines are not met. This breakdown will ultimately have negative effects to your business and can eventually lead to closure.

What can be done to combat this? Luckily for businesses, companies such as 1Time have cut out the laborious task that came with time management. 1TimeTracking tool is a simple piece of software that will ensure that your business is meeting deadlines but also saving time for staff, in turn saving money for the business.

How 1Time simplified Time Management

With 1TimeTracking, you can take the weight off your staffs’ shoulders with a simple, user friendly software that is based in the cloud and can be accessed by staff both on-site and off-site. Business Owners will be able to see the benefits as well with our detailed reporting, so you will be able to ensure that a project is on track to meet with the deadline. You will be able to see the number of hours that have been used put against the expected workload that you would expect to be done in this time.

Your staff will be reminded about their timesheets so that Project Managers won’t have to chase them up to get this done. The benefits of 1Time expand over to your clients and makes it easier for them to follow a project with clear reporting along with access to the software. This gives you the ability to offer your clients an open book when it comes to project progression.


It is clear to see how implementing a time management software such as 1TimeTracking will simplify time management for any business, in any industry. 1Time is available online, so no matter where you are located, you can access it anywhere, at any time. So, if you are considering a time tracking software solution, why not try our free 30-day trial 1Time Tracking today.

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