
Why do we want to be Multitaskers?

4th April 2018

Would you call yourself a multitasker? Nearly everyone does, and none of us are afraid to brag about it! But did you stop or wonder, are you really multitasking? We also have to find out whether it’s a good thing in the first place. So, let’s delve a little deeper to see if this method of working holds water.

So, why do we want to be multitaskers?

Whenever we get questioned whether we can handle the things we’re working on, we tell them straight away that “I’m a multitasker”. We’re proud of it because for some reason we think that this ability makes us superior beings and more intelligent than other. But the question is, are we really doing multiple things at the same time?

There is no such thing.

Jim Taylor, Ph.D. comments on this misconception in his article, Technology: Myth of Multitasking. He states that “There is no such thing as multitasking,” and further explains that while people may think they’re doing multiple things at the same time, they’re essentially serial tasking.

You’re not multitasking: you’re serial tasking.

Dr. Taylor refers to serial tasking as “shifting from one task to another in rapid succession.” Now when you claim that you’re multitasking, what you’re really doing is replying to your colleague’s email, then stopping that and switching to your mobile to read a message, then pausing that an answering a client call, and so on.

Our multitasking hinders productivity.

If your focus is being continuously being shifted to different tasks, this will take up more energy, and therefore more time to finish tasks. Single-tasking, in fact, is far more productive and healthier for your mind because you don’t have to go through the mental stresses by constantly stopping and starting tasks.

Single-tasking? Is that a thing?

People who are aware of the idea of single-tasking already know its value. Now this concept often gets rejected because we’re always getting rewarded for “multitasking”. Here’s how you can reduce your stress and become more productive with single-tasking:

  • Prioritise your tasks and projects
  • Begin the first task on your list, and focus on that task until it’s done
  • Move onto the next task; lather, rinse and repeat
  • Use time tracking software, such as 1Time Tracking – it allows you to track where you’re spending both your time and money

If you are still not convinced that single-tasking is more productive, try it for a week—it might just change your mind. Now, why not take advantage of our free 30-day trial on 1Time Tracking? Choose from any user base package and NO credit card required!! Get started today.

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